The nature’s longest living food
It has been living for over 3.5 billion years on the Earth. Through history, this remarkable aquatic plant has nourished people in Africa and America. Today, spirulina is consumed by health conscious people all over the world. If you are moving away from empty processed food and chemical vitamins to natural foods, start using spirulina, nature's longest living food.
The healthiest food
Many essential nutrients recommended by experts to help protect our bodies are concentrated in Spirulina. It contains the most powerful combination of nutrients ever known in any grain, herb or food.
Clean green energy for everyone
Spirulina is the most extensively researched food microalgae, well documented in numerous books, journal articles, and periodicals. Many people use Spirulina in their own self-care strategy for more energy, nutritional insurance, weight control and cleansing. Perfect in between or before meals for good nutrition without the heaviness of bulky food. Athletes discover more endurance and strength. Seniors find better nutrient absorption. Ideal and safe for children, pregnant and nursing mothers.
Easy to take anytime for more vitality
The experience of long time consumers and the scientific evidence suggest that 3 to 10 grams a day will provide significant health benefits. Daily use is most beneficial. Tablets are convenient anytime, between, before, or with meals. Many enjoy mixing Spirulina powder in a green fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or a vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.